Saturday, August 24, 2019

Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Personal statement - Essay Example Creativity, the feature that distinguishes a human from an animal, is the gift given to people for making their lives full of joy and excitement, that allows to not only enjoy the beautiful creations of nature, but to be creators of beauty ourselves. Creativity is what makes my life brighter through the art of painting. Surely, we cannot compare creations of nature with those of ourselves, but at least in the weak attempts for creating perfect pieces, we get closer to the divine powers of nature, the deeds of which are as great and magnificent, as it is itself. Charming and bewitching, inspiring and fascinating, painting has always been the passion of my life. From the earliest years I’ve been admiring the works of great artists, all so different, but all providing a never-ending space for imagination, and allowing us to leave the daily material world and enter the illusive world of fantasies, emotions and reflections. I haven’t stopped at just silent observing the great art works: once I took a brush myself. Being young, but enthusiastic, I used to immerse into work forgetting everything, and paying no attention to the surrounding people and events. I was in a completely different world. Stroke after stroke, line after line, the dance of color with color – the magic of creativity, the miracle of creating†¦ Having grown up I haven’t abandoned my hobby, which became a passion with time, and devoted 8 years to studying the art of drawing, since I understood that art takes not only your mind and imagination, but hours of studying, hard work and patience as well. However, I never felt sorry for the spent time – it gave me an opportunity to become more self-confident and more patient not only when painting, but in everyday life too. Besides, my passion gives me a chance to put everything that cannot be said into a picture - the deepest feelings and emotions, the secret wishes and hopes. Though it is not my

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