Thursday, August 29, 2019

Ice-cream social and a game of Jenga Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ice-cream social and a game of Jenga - Essay Example Players remove and balance blocks in turns to create tall and unstable structures during the game progress (Scott, 2009). I had an opportunity to attend an ice cream occurrence where a game of Jenga was played as well. The event was creative because of the presence of several friends in attendance. Simple, appealing dà ©cors and fresh flavors were on service as people mingled with each other and played Jenga. I discovered that such events are good for meeting and making friendships. As a first time player of Jenga, I was able to discover and learn new rules of the game. I acquired skills on how to load the tray in all the 18 levels. However, the game is full of struggles because one has to balance the mental and physical aspects with the ice cream social. Matching the number of levels in the game with the possible number of moves was an uphill task too. This was attributable by the need to express the number of levels as ‘X’. The next step will be to learn the mathematical applications to win the game of Jenga (Scott,

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