Saturday, August 31, 2019

Nursing During Civil War Essay

The American Civil War occurred between 1861 and 1865. When the war began, there was no organized medical corps for either the Union Army or the Confederate Army. Up until then, nursing was still considered a â€Å"loose term† as far what a nurse is and does. There were no official nursing schools or professional trained nurses available. As newspapers wrote about the poor and unsanitary conditions that wounded solider were subjected to, hundreds of women volunteered to help provide assistance to the wound solders (Egenes). Make-shift hospital and clinics were created on the battlefield to care for the wounded. As a result of having no organized medical corps in the army, conditions at most of the hospitals were poor. More soldiers during this time died of complications other than battlefield wounds such as dysentery, small pox, and pneumonia. (Son of the South). Hospitals were overcrowded and nurses lacked adequate quality of food and water, clean clothing, sanitation equipment, and other medication supplies to properly provide care for the injured. Because of this, hospitals were breeding grounds for disease and death. During this time, army physicians did not favor female volunteer nurses, believing female nurses were inexperienced and disorganized. Several woman help elevate the status of nurses during the Civil War and on. One woman that did just that was Dorothea Dix. Dix was a school teacher that was appointed as the Superintendent of Army Nursing for the Union Army. Through her position she was able to help organized medical efforts, set standards for military nurses, and to lobby for medical supplies for the Union Army. Another woman that had an impact on nursing was Clara Burton, also known as â€Å"Angel of the Battlefield. After her father died, she began to collect supplies and provide care to the wounded at the front lines. As word around the army grew about her compassion and care, Burton began getting support for her cause and the nursing cause as a whole. After the war, she continued her efforts in nursing and eventually inaugurated a movement to gain recognition for the International Committee of the Red Cross by the United States government (Epler).

A Martian Sends a Postcard Home

â€Å"A Martian Sends A Postcard Home† The main theme for this poem, â€Å"A Martian Sends A Postcard Home† is showing that how different people have different perspectives and different way of perceiving things. This poem shows how a Martian would describe some of our everyday thing a lot differently than we would. The Martian has a unique way of describing everyday objects, emotions, and time. The Martian sees mist as an object that has human like properties such as becoming tired. Mist is when the sky is tired of flight and rests its soft machine on ground. † (Page 867) The Martian describes mist in a completely different way from the ordinary way we think it to be. We know that it has no human properties and understand it to be something just caused by nature. The Martian, while on Earth, sees adults while they are suffering. The Martian sees them hiding their pain in a room alone, yet children openly expose their hurt. â€Å"Only the young are allowed to suf fer openly.Adults go to a punishment room with water but nothing to eat. † (Page 864) The Martian gets to see something that most adults try to mask. The Martian is able to make a distinction between the way that children and adults express themselves. The Martian seems to describe in an odd way about how humans keep their time trapped in a box and how we have it tied to our wrists. â€Å"But time is tied to the wrists or kept in a box, ticking with impatience. (Page 864) In this statement, it shows how he finds it hard to understand why we keep track of time in that way and because we keep it in that way, time begins to tick impatiently. In conclusion, the theme of this poem shows how everyday items can be described or viewed in such a different way from another perspective. Such things as objects, feelings, and time can be held in such a different viewpoint from two different people. This poem shows how point of view is used to contrast things viewed from a human vs. outsid er viewpoint.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The War to Save a Nation

The War to Save a Nation Should we interfere in countries that are in civil war or in need of help, or should we as a nation be more concerned about our own issues on the other hand? There are many different viewpoints on whether we should be in Afghanistan or Iraq; both sides of the argument have valid points supported by facts and strong beliefs. l, for one, strongly believe that there should be a continued presence in those countries. I believe it is morally wrong to turn one's back and pretend nothing is happening.The war in Afghanistan over the past 12 years has come at a great cost in means of oney and lives, although the benefits coming from this war are Justified in my eyes. In this paper I will go over how the lives being sacrificed have been for a cause that is improving the lives of Afghans, keeping our nation safe from terrorist attacks, why there is a need for Justice to be served, how the lives being lost are for a greater good, how the money being spent will lead to a better future for Afghanistan, how Democracy can be achieved, and how terrorism needs to be addressed as a regional issue.For there to be a desirable and meaningful achievement of the goals that we ave placed on this war there is need for a continued presence in Afghanistan. Washington provided Afghanistan with 51. 8 billion dollars between 2001 and 2010, about 56% of this money was spent on equipping, training Afghan forces while the other portion was spent on humanitarian, economic, governance and counter- narcotic programs. Wahabuddin) With the money provided by the U. S. the Afghan population has greatly increased in these areas over the past decade, which is what we as a nation have been striving for so that we may bring this war to an end. The ives being sacrificed in this war with rising casualties has come at a great cost, but is leading to the Afghan nation to become a more stable country.In the article â€Å"Justifying sacrifice: Barack Obama and the selling and ending of the war in Afghanistan† Trevor McCrisken goes on to say In order to ‘sell' the renewed effort to bring the Afghanistan campaign to ‘a successful conclusion', Obama has drawn heavily on the idea of ‘sacrifice' by emphasizing in his rhetorical defence of the commitment of further US troops that the protection of the United States and its nterests against further terrorist attacks compels America to bear the burden of sacrifice that continuing the war entails. McCrisken 1) With that said the author shows that the war Afghanistan and the sacrifices made are necessary for us to bear to ensure our safety. Barack Obama used his Inaugural address to call all Americans and clarify the need for sacrifice and the reminder of the sacrifices made in the history of our nation, and the need for our nation to bear those sacrifices again in order to create a better life for our nation and the Afghan public (McCrisken 2) Our afety as a nation is not the only at risk and to en sure future safety for the Afghan public sacrifices need to be made.With the ongoing war in Afghanistan the lives being lost on both sides are reaching heights that we as a nation never hoped for, but is needed to keep our country safe and to better the lives of Afghans and rebuild the country so that it may thrive. The number ot deaths ot Coalition torces and Atgnan civilians nas exceeded t justification of sacrifice, but when it is the terrorist groups that are responsible for the majority of civilian deaths. The Taliban need to answer for their crimes and be held accountable for their actions. Between 2007 and 2010 Taliban accounted for 5,570 civilian casualties in Afghanistan.Oust War Index) The number of deaths caused by Taliban need to be answered, and the continued presence of a Coalition force is what is needed to exact Justice on those who prey on the weak. The average life expectancy in Afghanistan in 2004 was 42, and the more devastating fact was that 25% of children did not make it to the age of five (Costs of War) The fact that so many re dying at too early of an age because the ongoing war is a tragedy, but in order to reclaim Afghanistan there needs to be Justice served for those responsible.The Taliban are accounting for countless deaths in Afghanistan, not only soldiers but also civilians and need to answer for their crimes against the Afghan nation. The benefits of an ongoing presence in Afghanistan and the sacrifices being made do not Justify the means. Over the years there have been many improvements to Afghans lives with that comes sacrifice, but to make a change sacrifices have to be ade.In 2001, 8% of Afghans had access to some form of health-care, but has now risen to more than 80% (International Security Assistance Force 27) With this improvement shows that the lives being sacrificed have greatly improved the country Afghanistan and that there is better care and hope for Afghan. Between 2001 and 2008 the number of children attending sc hool rose from 900,000 all the way up to 5 million, with a third of those students being girls and young women. Metzler 39) Over the past decade all the schools that have been built and the number of children ttending school these days show how much a impact we have made on the nation of Afghanistan in the means of an education which will improve the economy in Afghanistan. Even though there have been many lives lost due to this ongoing war in Afghanistan, the benefits for the population of Afghanistan have risen drastically from where the nation was before 2001.The money being spent in Afghanistan is being used in a way that is greatly improving the lives of citizens in the country of Afghanistan, and is providing the nation with a brighter future to grow from. In 2008 Washington spent $3 billion dollars in total assistance for health, education and agriculture (Metzler 40) This money that has been put into Afghanistan shows that our Nation is using our tax dollars in a way that we can be proud of, and how important it is to be less concerned about how much is being spent but the greatly positive effect we are having on a nation that needs help.In 2007 the Afghan National Army and ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) worked together and cleared the entire Ghazni Province of Taliban. On top of providing medical support to 2,300 citizens, uilt 10 new schools, gave out 260 tons of humanitarian aid and also one million dollars committed towards additional development. (Afghanistan 33) The money put into Afghanistan and which is being spent on this war, are benefiting the people of Afghanistan in such a way that it is greatly improving the lives of the civilians in country.Democracy can be achieved in Afghanistan to provide the nation stability by creating political competition and providing accountability to the Afghan citizens, which will in turn get the Atgnan nation to strive to improve their country and esire for a better future. â€Å"If the Natio nal Assembly is not seen to be achieving anything, citizens are likely to lose faith in democratization as a whole, allowing old powerbrokers to reassert themselves outside constitutional structures. (International Crisis Group 96) With this said it shows how the Afghan nation needs to strive and have a hand in the future that is being built around themselves, rather than sitting on the sidelines watching their country change before their eyes. The younger generations of Afghans are watching their country and government being built efore them, but do not have a part in what is happening and feel left out of the political decision process in their country. Sultanzoy 100) The author explains how the younger generation need to be able to have a hand in how their nation is being built, and the need for a Democracy so that their voices can be heard. The progress and push to create a Democratic society in Afghanistan is possible, and the work being accomplished is leading to free and fair elections which would lead to a better life for all Afghan citizens and generations to come. The war in Afghanistan needs to be addressed as a regional issue to improve the economic growth of the country of Afghanistan.From that point, there will be more opportunities for young Afghans to have a better future rather than having the few choices they have now. â€Å"Desperation and poverty are the tools used by evil forces to raise their terrorist cadres. But that environment will not change if political will is lacking, and if there is no action by the US and the governments of the region to get our economies to create Jobs that offer hope. † (Karzai 228) Hamid Karzai the President of Afghanistan shows in this quote that the need for Afghanistan needs to have a focus on the political and economic aspects in order to make a change and a better future.The Economy has continued to grow at rates between 12-14 percent per year which is the highest in South Asia. (Metzler 40) This is what the effects of the continued presence and aid of our government has shown for in Afghanistan, and how the regional issue is being addressed in a way that shows that there can be a bright future for Afghanistan. The war in Afghanistan these days is being addressed n a more regional note rather than the way it was in the earlier parts of the war.Afghanistan's economy has been rising steadily due to the support coming from the U. S. and Coalition Forces. There are many different viewpoints on whether we should be in Afghanistan or Iraq; both sides of the argument have valid points supported by facts. l, for one, strongly believe that there should be a continued presence in these countries. I believe it is morally wrong to turn one's back and pretend nothing is happening. There is the possibility to provide a better future for Afghanistan.The lives being acrificed have been for a cause that is improving the lives of Afghans, keeping our nation safe from terrorist attacks, Justic e is needed to be served, the lives being lost are for a greater good, the money being spent will lead to a better future for Afghanistan, Democracy can be achieved and terrorism needs to be addressed as a regional issue. This ongoing war with all the rises and decline over the years has brought Afghanistan to the point where it is at now. The war is not over and needs to be continued so that we may improve this world that we live in, one country at a time.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Ice-cream social and a game of Jenga Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ice-cream social and a game of Jenga - Essay Example Players remove and balance blocks in turns to create tall and unstable structures during the game progress (Scott, 2009). I had an opportunity to attend an ice cream occurrence where a game of Jenga was played as well. The event was creative because of the presence of several friends in attendance. Simple, appealing dà ©cors and fresh flavors were on service as people mingled with each other and played Jenga. I discovered that such events are good for meeting and making friendships. As a first time player of Jenga, I was able to discover and learn new rules of the game. I acquired skills on how to load the tray in all the 18 levels. However, the game is full of struggles because one has to balance the mental and physical aspects with the ice cream social. Matching the number of levels in the game with the possible number of moves was an uphill task too. This was attributable by the need to express the number of levels as ‘X’. The next step will be to learn the mathematical applications to win the game of Jenga (Scott,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Competitive Strategies and Government Policies Essay

Competitive Strategies and Government Policies - Essay Example Though recent developments are forcing automobile manufactures to either innovate or lose, most have responded with the willingness to retain their market shares in the future as well. Newcomers, Mergers and Globalization A horizontal merger between Porsche and Volkswagen (VW) took place on 5 July 2012. VW bought half of Porsche’s operations for â‚ ¬4.4 billion and â€Å"one VW ordinary share for the 50.1pc of Porsche’s car-making activities that it does not already own† (Osborne, 2012). As a result of the merger, Porsche’s 911 sports car became a part of VW luxury car production of marques Bentley and Bugatti, budget brand Skoda, as well as of the MAN and Scania truckmakers (Osboren, 2012). This merger was horizontal, as both of these companies have a share in the total global car sales. The merger was not declared anti – competitive because of companies’ market shares. According to Farrell and Shapiro (1990), horizontal mergers are of gr eat concern to authorities as some through increased market share engage in uncompetitive behavior, such as higher prices (p.107). Porsche cars comprised only 0.2 percent of the market shares in terms of sales in the United States in December 2012 (The Wall Street Journal, 2013). VW comprised 3.2 percent (The Wall Street Journal, 2013). ... Besides mergers, new companies have been entering the automobile industry. With recent changes in technology and environmental awareness, new companies striving for a larger market share belong to the electrical car section of the automobile industry. Such is Coda Motor Company (2013). There are additional electrical car producers, such as Tesla Motors (Tesla Motors, 2013), Wheego Electric Cars (2013), Venturi (2013) and Saba Motors (2009). However, all of these companies, regardless of how innovative they are, are affected by globalization. According to the trade models, countries with lower labor costs can produce the same goods at a lower cost than those with higher, thus shifting low skilled production activities to the former (Nunnenkamp & Spatz, 2002, p.5). Though the automobile industries are highly capital and human capital intensive, production started shifting to cheaper countries with a rise in foreign direct investment (Nunnenkamp & Spatz, 2002, p.9). As a result, less th an 70 percent of production takes place nowadays in developed countries, including the traditional producers such as Japan, the United States and Germany (Nunnenkamp & Spatz, 2002, p.5). The least intensive types of production take place in developing countries. For example, German companies produce auto parts domestically, but engines are produced abroad (Nunnenkamp & Spatz, 2002, p.5). Thus, there are new suppliers of automobiles. Due to the cheaper labor, the European periphery (Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland), Central and Eastern Europe, China and several other industrializing Asian countries, and Mexico among other countries, have been producing automobile parts since the 1980’s (Nunnenkamp & Spatz, 2002, p.6, 41). By 1998, Latin American countries’ market share amounted to

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Apple vs samsung Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Apple vs samsung - Essay Example The content of this report concentrates determining the main reasons behind the increasing competitiveness of both the companies and the reasons behind the recent success of Samsung in comparison to Apple in the smartphone segment. From the findings, it is determined that Samsung has significantly focused on availability, after-sales service and use of media to lure the consumers as compared to Apple. The presented findings of this report also discuss about the pertinent views of the general managers of both companies who highlight their opinions regarding the changing competitiveness in the industry and their future endeavors with the offered smartphones . It concludes with the assessment that despite possessing impeccable brand image Apple has slightly remained behind Samsung in the smartphone segment due to the lack of availability, after-sales service and a reduced focus on ensuring utmost consumer satisfaction of ease of purchase. Thus, certain recommendations including focusing of untapped consumer segment and reducing price of the smartphones have been offered to Apple. Conversely, Samsung has been recommended to increase its market share in the segment of smartphone through sustained focus on augmentation of brand awareness and product promotion. I hope this report will prove to be satisfactory. If you should have any questions concerning my project and report, please feel free to contact me â€Å"Sumaya Ali â€Å" at Sincerely, Fatima Ali Attachment : My report on Smartphone Comparison Table of Contents NU SUBJECT PAGES 1 Summary of the Report 4 2 Introduction 5 3 Procedure 6 4 Overview About Apple And Samsung 6 5 SWOT Analysis 9 6 Findings 14 6.1 Questionnaire Findings 14 6.2 Interview Findings 21 7 Conclusion 24 8 Recommendations 25 9 Appendix 26 9.1 Survey Questionnaire 26 9.2 Interview Questionnaire 28 10 References 29 1- Summary of the Report The report intends to provide a comparative study of the smartphones of two of t he world’s leading manufacturer’s i.e. Apple and Samsung. From the perspective of technology and innovation, both the companies are superior in this field. However, there are a number of pertinent parameters based which Samsung can be stated to be noticeably ahead of Apple in terms of sales as well as market share. Therefore, as a part of this report a consumer feedback questionnaire has been designed and feedbacks from the smartphone users have been accumulated accordingly. In addition, a set of interview questionnaire is also designed for taking the interview of the Chairman/CEO/General Manager of Apple as well as Samsung. Based on the feedbacks obtained as a part of this report, a set of relevant recommendations has been offered to both the companies. 2- Introduction Over the past decade in the field of technology segment, Apple Inc and Samsung Electronics have been two of the major players as well as rivals. Apple Inc is an American based multinational organisation (MNC), founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs (Apple, 2013). Samsung Electronics is a South Korean based MNC founded in 1938 by Lee Kun-hee (Samsung, 2013). Although Apple came into the market later but in the course of focusing on sustained technological innovation it has turned into one of the preferred and respect brands in the world, thus in turn creating an immense challenge for the competitors to match up to the offerings of Apple. In

Monday, August 26, 2019

Compare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Compare - Essay Example In this paper, two passages are taken from two different writers namely Elie Wiesel and Cynthia Ozick. The aim of the paper is to undertake a comparative discussion on their writings namely â€Å"Night† and â€Å"The Shawl† respectively. This means that any major similarities or differences that are noticed in the two passages selected shall be discussed from the perspectives of the themes used by the writers, style of writing, themes covered in the writings, as well as any identified problems. Style of writing Reading through â€Å"Night† and â€Å"The Shawl†, readers get a sense of feeling that two different forms of writings are presented. This is rooted in the general approach used by the two writers, manifesting in the style of writing they used to present their work. Generally, â€Å"Night† is presented by Elie Wiesel from a more juvenile perspective of wording, making the whole style of writing easy to read and understand. There are not much use of literary devices and other technical literature terms. Rather, the reader to have a smooth flow of the storyline with no meandering of ideas entertained. The advantage that this had on the text was that it made it very easy for the reader to get along with the ideas being portrayed by the writer without any difficulty in understanding. Indeed, events were described in a down to earth approach making statements like â€Å"I decided to give my father lessons in marching in step, in keeping time. We began practicing in front of our block. I would command: ‘Left, right!’ and my father would try.† (PAGE 55). On the other hand, â€Å"the Shawl† is presented in a more classical manner, disbanding the use of naive and juvenile techniques to making the theme of the story flow. This was seen through several perspectives of the writing including the use of complex sentence structuring, idiomatic expressions and a number of literary devices. Along the way howev er, Ozick gets comic just as Elie had been throughout his writing by stating that of Stella who wanted to be in the shawl like Magda that â€Å"A thin girl of fourteen, too small with thin breasts of her own, Stella wanted to be wrapped in a shawl, hidden away, asleep, rocked by the march, a baby, around infant in arms† (PAGE 3). Themes The family as an agent of socialization Throughout both stories, the role of the family in society is clearly defined as both Ozick and Elie make statements that suggest that the family is an agent of socialization. By this, reference is being made to the larger concept of family and how the family plays its role in ensuring that the people that are born into it fit in perfectly. In â€Å"Night†, socialization is depicted as a bilateral responsibility between children and their parents. That is, parents socialize children and children socialize parents. The relationship between Elie and his father is shown to reflect the popular saying that if your parents take care of you for you to make teeth, you also take care of them till they loss their teeth. From another perspective, it could be said that the marching training that Elie gives to the father represents a reverse of role because it is fathers who are normally expected to teach their kids to walk. In â€Å"The Shawl† also, the role of family in socialization is resounded as Rosa makes frantic efforts to cater for her two daughters, Stella and Magda. Stella was 14 years and Magda was only 15 months. Due to economic

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Human Resource Management Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8250 words

Human Resource Management - Thesis Example With the aim to study how trust and loyalty enhances performance, three objectives were laid out in the first chapter. After extensive literature review of the theories and principle of the different HR programs that organizations adopt, a qualitative study was conducted to determine the employment relationships post economic recession 2008. The research was based on data from secondary sources as collection of primary data was not possible due to certain constraints. All the objectives have been achieved. The study concludes that open and honest communication enhances loyalty and trust, enhances the employment relationship which ultimately results in better performance. Long-term relationships between employers and employee can be established when open communication exists in the organization. The findings suggest that after the economic downturn employers realize the value of maintaining employee relationship. They also recognize that while financial incentives have limitations, du ring downturn, this should not be cut back as this could go against the interests of the company. This has prompted the companies to reverse their decisions. Overall, intrinsic motivation alone can lead to sustained relationships and this can happen only when the worker enjoys what he does. The study concluded by suggesting further areas of research and the limitation to the study were provided. Internationalization and globalization have caused labor market changes as the socio-economic environment of business has changed. Labor market changes have brought about changes in the employer-employee relationship. The employer-employee relationship cannot be generalized as it would differ across nations, cultures. The interaction and communication between employer and employee would also depends upon the on the industry and the size of the organization. The economic downturn has a direct impact on the employer brand and employee loyalty. Employer brand has become important to attract the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Personal statement - Essay Example Creativity, the feature that distinguishes a human from an animal, is the gift given to people for making their lives full of joy and excitement, that allows to not only enjoy the beautiful creations of nature, but to be creators of beauty ourselves. Creativity is what makes my life brighter through the art of painting. Surely, we cannot compare creations of nature with those of ourselves, but at least in the weak attempts for creating perfect pieces, we get closer to the divine powers of nature, the deeds of which are as great and magnificent, as it is itself. Charming and bewitching, inspiring and fascinating, painting has always been the passion of my life. From the earliest years I’ve been admiring the works of great artists, all so different, but all providing a never-ending space for imagination, and allowing us to leave the daily material world and enter the illusive world of fantasies, emotions and reflections. I haven’t stopped at just silent observing the great art works: once I took a brush myself. Being young, but enthusiastic, I used to immerse into work forgetting everything, and paying no attention to the surrounding people and events. I was in a completely different world. Stroke after stroke, line after line, the dance of color with color – the magic of creativity, the miracle of creating†¦ Having grown up I haven’t abandoned my hobby, which became a passion with time, and devoted 8 years to studying the art of drawing, since I understood that art takes not only your mind and imagination, but hours of studying, hard work and patience as well. However, I never felt sorry for the spent time – it gave me an opportunity to become more self-confident and more patient not only when painting, but in everyday life too. Besides, my passion gives me a chance to put everything that cannot be said into a picture - the deepest feelings and emotions, the secret wishes and hopes. Though it is not my

Friday, August 23, 2019

United States farm subsidies and how they are ruining our quality of Essay

United States farm subsidies and how they are ruining our quality of food - Essay Example United States farm subsidies and how they are ruining our quality of food A lot of processing is involved in the transformation of a corn bushel into foods that look different and taste different despite being fundamentally derived from corn. The processing considerably lowers the nutritional significance of our diet. Fats food is one such corn-based food that is highly processed. People that make fast food a regular part of their diet not only become overweight but also experience malnourishment. They are deprived of the essential nutrients and micronutrients placed by nature in fresh fruits and vegetables. Every year, doctors encounter hundreds of cases of overweight children with rickets. Massive consumption of corn requires massive production of corn. Cultivation of corn causes a lot of harm to the environment. Farmers consider corn a greedy crop that needs much more nitrogen fertilizer than what is required by any other kind of crop. It is the very nitrogen fed to the corn fields that has run off with water and flown into the Gulf of Mexico to develop a dead zone therein which has now become as big as New Jersey. Corn plant also needs increased supply of pesticides which are also dangerous for the environment. Apart from the obvious demerits of feeding the livestock corn, a potential unethical issue is that the animals are forced to feed on corn, without I being their real diet. Many animals thus need to be given antibiotics whose effects can be noticed in form of the changed quality of the milk produced by them as well as a change in the taste of their flesh when they are slaughtered. Explaining the reason of writing the book The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Pollan said that as he traveled across US, he was astonished to learn about the eating habits of people of US as well as their curiosity to know how to change their eating habits for the better. This led Pollan to indulge in a comprehensive research regarding food and health. While conducting the literature review and collecting the primary and secondary data, Pollan found th at scientists in US did not have much to teach about healthful eating, thus making the science of food a fairly primitive science in US. †¦there is a much more reliable source of wisdom on the subject. That wisdom is in the form of traditional foods, cuisines, and food cultures, which are the product of hundreds, if not thousands, of years of trial and error figuring out how to keep people healthy using whatever grows in a specific place. Culture has more to teach us about how to eat well than science. (Pollan cited in Penguin Group USA). His research led Pollan to developing the view that America is suffering from a national eating disorder. In his book The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Pollan has expressed that the start of this national eating disorder can be traced back to the early 1990s. That was the time when people were attracted in crowds by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg towards the sanitarium constructed at Battle Creek in the US state of Michigan. Inmates of the sanitarium su fficiently endured all-grade foods which raised the number of competitors for Kellogg. Owing to the immense subsidization of corn by the US government, corn has become the fundamental ingredient of the people of US and animals alike. 75 per cent on average carbon consumed by Americans in the present age is derived from corn. The primary reason why corn became the king of the US food industry was the fact that it could always be grown as rapidly as desired with the use of

Decision Support System Technologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Decision Support System Technologies - Essay Example Internet is one of the major technological drivers to bring those changes. As a result, now businesses are going global, physical boundaries are getting meaningless. One of the major outcomes of this technological influence on the businesses was the development of the information systems. Initially, in late 1950's and early 1960's, these information systems used to do batch processing, generating a limited number of reports. Later on, these systems keep on growing and ultimately emerged in to ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning). ERPs were highly integrated systems that helped to automate and integrate various business operations. However, what was really missing even then was the support to decision making capabilities. As these information systems were designed to automate the business operations, therefore the reports generated out of it were also operation centered and thus were not able to provide the enterprise-wide view and consequently, they were of little use to strategic decision makers. This problem gave birth to various decision support system technologies. Let us explore each of them separately. Web analytics is the term used to describe the application of the concept of business analytics or business intelligence on the websites. It is also called web intelligence. We can also say that it is the study of the behavior or behavioral analysis of the website visitors. (Schlegel) Over the period of time, web analytics has been evolved as one of the major analysis tools to monitor the marketing done through web. One of the techniques of web analytics is click stream analysis. In the context of the businesses, web analysis is the use of the data collected from the website so as to ascertain, which part of the website works towards the business objectives. There are different types of information that can be gathered from the web analytics. The most important one is the web traffic report. Other worth collecting information heads are, email response rate, sales and direct mail campaign response rate, marketing and the lead generation information etc. The data thus collected is the n measured against the set benchmarks. (Rober) Informatica Corporation focus closely on using web to enable organizations to track business performance. Using the Informatica Business Intelligence platform, organizations gather business information metrics via voice systems, the web, and wireless transmission. Informatica Analytics Delivery Platform is an internet based system, that provides real time data about the business performance results. Here is the list of the business intelligences tools that support web analysis, specially through XML tools: Actuate 6 by Actuate Corp. Business Objects Web Intelligence by Business Objects. Clear Research, Clear Events by Clear Forest Corp. Cognos Series 7, Cognos Web Services SDK Crystal Enterprise, Crystal Reports, Crystal Analysis Professional by Crystal Decisions. DATA WAREHOUSING: The name data warehousing refers to the warehouse to store data. Just like the additional inventory that is at the moment not required for current business operations is kept in the warehouse and is called when needed. Likewise, in a data warehouse, the data not relate to current operation, such historical data is placed in the data warehouse. In technical terms,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Upcountry Look Essay Example for Free

The Upcountry Look Essay â€Å"Lose it girl, block shoes are long gone,† came a sneer.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"And the voluminous, billowing gown with metallic threads should be spared for the evenings.† Those made me look up. A girl in jeans had thrown that one at me. I felt a hot flash of shame sweep throughout my body.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Use a deodorant,† a handsome young man who stood next to me hauled that one as a fresh waft of perfume filled my nose.   I felt angry, ostracized and humiliated but I managed a chuckle, after all what you think is an embarrassment does pale into insignificance once you laugh it off.   Everyone looked so smart and jolly, uttering just the right words without mincing them. I knew I would flop but I had to give it a go. The premonition to be, I lost it. It was a job interview for news anchors in a highly rated local Television station. I lacked presence and charisma, they had told me with a dismissal. I swore to myself that I had to loose that look; dress right and pursue whatever counted in order to fit and belong. Meanwhile I had a bus to catch back to the village.   Two hours later the bus ground to a halt. I set off on the winding dusty road that led home. I felt low, especially when a flash of the incident at the audition room came to my mind, but I was looking forward to the look my sister would wear on her face as she drunk to every word I would use to describe the big city.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"The buildings tower high on the sky and stand erect without a sway even if a Manhattan wind came.†Ã‚   She would leave her mouth agape.    â€Å"The people move hurriedly without acknowledging each other.† I expected a squirm, it’s a taboo not salute anyone you cross roads with according to our culture.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"How are you, Mariamu?† I knew that voice. It was Mzee Bura an elderly man from our village. His back was stooped and walked with a hobble supported by his walking stick.   Never mind he mispronounced my name which is Miriam because every person I knew did that. My sister’s name is Grace but they called her Grathi. Mzee Bura’s right shoulder was stooping under the weight of a parcel. I offered to help as out traditions dictated.   Ã‚   My nose twisted involuntarily as a strong unpleasant smell of smell of smoke, dirt and sweat hit me with a revolting effect, but what to do. I went ahead with my pleasantries as we filed along the path exchanging a polite conversation although he did most of the talking. I felt tortured by the swift evening breeze which brought the murky odour to my direction. I wondered what the city people would have made of us then.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Lose him girl, he is ancient.† That sounded like the most probable reaction from them. We walked on and calling the journey a long distance is an understatement. Our village is literally at the other side of the globe. The learned would call it a sleepy village because of its lack of civilization but it was home. I loved it.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Mariamu, you did me proud. Mzee Bura told me about your help yesterday.† I imagined my mother’s proud voice complementing me.   Darkness had fallen by then and there a comfortable silence between us as we trotted on.   A flickering light from a distance confirmed that we had indeed arrived in our home turf. A drunken man was shouting but although it happened all the time his words were cutting my conscience.   Ã¢â‚¬Å" I sent my Mariamu to the city . . . aah . . . you’ve always taken me for a fool . . . the next time she comes to this village she will be driving a car.† That was my father’s slurred talk.   Apparently my mother’s token of gratitude ( to her husband for sending their eldest daughter – me to the city)   in the name of a drink was not a viable idea because my father was making a spectre of me in the village.   Ã‚  It made me fiery at the thought of facing questioning stares from the people the following day. He was yelling everything about his household to all and sundry and never mind he had counted his chicks too early when it came to me. I glared and hissed in the darkness to let go the turmoil inside me.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Did you say something?† the old man’s hoarse voice enquired with concern. I held my breath. It was a spontaneous unpremeditated sound of annoyance. How could my father do that?   When I woke up the following morning I spotted my father immediately. He was lounging in our smoky kitchen holding a bowl of porridge. He was sober and it was hard to even think he had taken a drink of muratina, the local traditional beer, and last night. He looked a man so easy to be with, a man one can like or even admire as he spoke so eloquently on the normal issues which had nothing to do with the previous night. He appeared affectionate as he politely listened to my mother explaining what had become of my visit to the city.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Mariamu, you should go to the river then come fetch me some firewood.† My mother instructed me.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"You should lose this river and firewood crap. It’s time to go tap and at least a charcoal stove . . .† I felt like telling my mother. I was bare footed. This look! I did not like it at all. I smiled at my mother and took a metallic jerican that has been with us for as long as I can recall. My older brother is basking in the morning sun waiting for his peers to call him for a hunting game. Domestic chores are for women or so I was made to believe as I was growing up. It made me wonder why the masculine young man had no chore to attend to, yet house hold work is the hardest work in the word, but all the same that occurred to me was the reason they never help.   The morning air was fresh. I rubbed my calloused feet on the soft grass that still had the morning dew to give them a clean look, avoiding the foot path. The women were already in the fields singing their hearts out and swinging their hips with moves that increased the pace at which they worked. As they stood to salute me, I could see their faces were glistening with sweat.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Do they use a deodorant?† I wondered.   The water was sparkling clean and I could tell that it had not been disturbed that morning. I decided to sit by the river bank and let my legs dangle in the water to rid off some dry grass that had stuck between my toes. The water felt warm on my skin and I decided to take my time. The sun started beating on me and the black nylon skirt started feeling like a furnace on my thighs. It was time to move on to the next chore.   The bushes scraped and scratched my skin as I weaved my way underneath the thickets searching for some dead branches which we used as firewood. The smell of green vegetation was overwhelming and it made me feel nauseated. I had to lose this upcountry way of life, sorry, look.   That twenty something years ago and today from the high storey building where my office located, I glance through the window at the ever busy city and everything seem so normal but my first encounter with the city is unforgettable, and more so the ideas it gave me.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Debate on Guns on School Campus

Debate on Guns on School Campus To carry or not to carry: aiming at safety on campus On March 10, 2017 when I was in my English class, my phone vibrated as messages from the school warned student to stay away from an evacuated area on the campus. The evacuation was then lifted after a suspicious item was found and determined to be safe. This was the first time I had encountered such security activities which raised my awareness of firearms on campus. In the wake of several campus shootings, the heated controversy surrounding the permit of guns on campus has circulated the nation for years. Even though people should have rights to protect themselves, it is not enough reason to allow guns within learning institutions, therefore, I believe guns should be banned on campus. First, presence of guns on campus will have negative impacts on the dynamics of learning environment. College campuses are the living and learning community of students and staff from different backgrounds, where freedom and openness in academic debate and intellectual exchange are encouraged. If guns are allowed in campus, the entire campus community will be in fear of their life, wondering if other fellow students or staff are carrying any guns and can pull them out if a dispute arises. Lecturers could fear that the students with poor grades may threaten them for better grades. An example is the notorious campus shooting at the University of Arizona in 2002: a failing nursing student shot three professors to death due to his anger and depression (Holguin). Campus will become emotionally threatening and crime-oriented environment. Dangerous weapons should never be carried around, even in concealed form, in such open learning environment. Another argument for why guns should be banned on campus is young adults brains does not fully mature despite their physically mature appearance. Darby Dickerson, former dean of Texas Tech University School of Law, is an expert in higher education law and policy and is an elected member of the American Law Institute. She states that researchers have discovered that human brain change significantly during adolescences, and are not fully developed until about 24, with regard to thinking ability and judgment. Also, high-risk alcohol and other drug use among student population have long-term negative effects on brain development, which leads to poor decision making. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (2015), 58 percent of full-time college students ages 18 to 22 drank alcohol in the past month compared with 48.2 percent of other persons of the same age. Researchers also estimated that each year, 1825 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die from alcohol-rel ated unintentional injuries; 696000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are assaulted by another student who has been drinking (NIAAA). Therefore, granting college students access to guns will pose increased risks of incidents of self-injury, accidental shootings and even murders. Furthermore, multiple individuals with firearms will negatively affect law enforcement officers response during emergency situations. It will lead to confusion over identifying attackers among many people who are carrying guns which they claim to protect themselves. Also, without training, armed individuals may harm innocents in an attempt to halt a bloodshed. ÂÂ  Advocates for guns permit on campus claim that licensing of guns will increase their safety. They believe one should carry a gun in self-defense. Especially when newspapers splash headlines of campus shootings across the country, giving an impression that American college campuses are not safe, in response, there is an increasing urge for self-protection. Supporters for concealed carry on campus argue that armed students and staff will deter any aggressive acts toward the school, rather than becoming victims of violence. They claim that it will reduce crime. In contrast, the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators, Inc., (IACLEA), in its position statement, points out that: There is no credible statistical evidence demonstrating that laws allowing the carrying of concealed firearms reduce crime. In fact, the evidence suggests that permissive concealed carry laws generally will increase crime. Ian Ayres John J. Donohue III, Shooting Down the More Guns, Less Crime Hypothesis, 55 Stan. L. Rev. 1193, 1285, 1296 (Apr. 2003); and Ian Ayres John J. Donohue III, The Latest Misfires in Support of the More Guns, Less Crime Hypothesis, 55 Stan. L. Rev. 1371, 1397 (Apr. 2003). The organization also insists that use of a gun in self-defense appears to be a rare occurrence. As explained, there is not enough evidence to prove that campus carry would reduce crime rate or guns would be used in self-defense solely. Another argument gun right activists make to call for guns on campus is to protect women from sexual assaults. They argue perpetrators would less likely to attack women if they knew women around them might also be armed. Also, victims could have a chance to shoot attackers, assuming they would be able to use it effectively to protect themselves. However, reliable social science research indicates that based on the way victims typically react to these experiences, solving campus sexual assaults by arming women with firearms will not work. Studies show that 89 percent of campus sexual assaults involve drugs and/or alcohol (Krebs, Lindquist and Warner) and 90 percent of college sexual assaults are committed by someone the victim knows (Sampson 6). In such situations, victims would likely have a difficult time pulling out the gun to someone they associate with or when they are in frozen state due to drugs, alcohol or tonic immobility. Even after looking at all the evidence there are still people who believe that firearms should be allowed on campus. Their argument could be valid if we consider the broader legal rights to carry guns if one has gone through mental health screenings, had extensive trainings and passed all the tests before obtaining the license. It would be ideal if every gun license holder had gone through many difficult exams to determine if he/ she is qualified to use guns. However, it is easier than before to obtain a license in many states these days, raising the question if those license holders are well-trained and mentally stable or not. Allowing everyone to carry a gun cannot solve the crimes; indeed, it may have the potential to dramatically increase violence on college campuses. Campus security must be left to well-trained professionals. They have proficient techniques to defend campuses against violent attacks without harming innocent students. Instead of granting permission to carry guns on campus, preventive and preparative measurers should be taken and well developed to improve school safety. References Dickerson, Darby. White Paper-Guns on Campus. 17 February 2011. The National Behavioral Intervention Team Association (NaBITA) Web site. White Paper. 19 March 2017. . Holguin, Jaime. Eerie Letter From University Killer. 31 October 2002. Web. 19 March 2017. IACLEA. IACLEA Position Statement: Concealed Carrying of Firearms Proposals on College Campuses . 12 Agust 2008. 24 March 2017. . Krebs, C. P., et al. College womens experiences with physically forced, alcohol- or other drug-enabled, and drug-facilitated sexual assault before and since entering college. Journal of American College Health (2009): 639-649. Print. NIAAA. Alcohol Facts and Statistics. December 2015. 22 March 2017. . SAMHSA. 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). Table 6.84B-Tobacco Product and Alcohol Use in Past Month among Persons Aged 18 to 22, by College Enrollment Status: Percentages, 2014 and 2015. 2015. SAMHSA Website. 22 March 2017. . Sampson, Rana. Acquaintance rape of college students. Problem-Oriented Guides for Police. n.d.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Evaluating the Communication Strategy adopted by Yahoo

Evaluating the Communication Strategy adopted by Yahoo Founded in 1994 by Stanford Ph.D. students David Filo and Jerry Yang, Yahoo! began as a hobby and has evolved into a leading global brand that changed the way people communicate with each other, conduct transactions and access, share, and create information. Today, Yahoo! Inc. attracts hundreds of millions of users every month through its innovative technology and engaging content and services, making it one of the most trafficked Internet destinations and a world class online media company. The majority of Yahoo! offerings are available in more than 30 languages. The company is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, with a presence in more than 25 countries, provinces, and territories. Yahoo!s vision is to be the centre of peoples online lives by delivering personally relevant, meaningful Internet experiences (Yahoo, 2010) Yahoo! operates the web portal which provides content including the latest news, entertainment, and sports information. The portal also gives users access to other Yahoo! services like Yahoo! Mail which is the most popular product, Yahoo! Maps which provides the user with maps of cities and town , Yahoo! Finance enables user to have achieve to financial trade and stock market, Yahoo! Groups is a large collection of online discussion boards and Yahoo! Messenger which offer free communication . The majority of the product offerings are available globally in more than 20 languages. When any organisation is formed is main objective is to serve a certain purpose or need. Yahoo aims to be the center of peoples online lives. Customer is king and it is always important to provide a personal responsibility in order to maintain the customers loyalty and trust. Customer are always regards as the number one priority and keeping them satisfied is main goal always. Main body External And Internal Communication Corporate Communication is an essential aspect of an organisation and one that can determine the success of the organisation. It is the management function that offers a framework for the effective coordination of all internal and external communication with the overall purpose of establishing and maintain favourable reputations with stakeholder groups upon which the organisation is dependent on ( Joep Cornelissen 2008) Markwick and Fill model helps with explaining how an organisation presents itself to each stakeholders and how it enables to distinguish itself from all other organisation In every organisation employers are the one of the key assets that helps the business establish itself in the market. Yahoo! believes that Work and play join forces to revolutionize the web When Yahoo! Started it was a directory of websites. They pioneered a new profession for its employees called Web Surfer which involved categorizing sites of every stripe in which they have to decide what to include, where to arrange the information and how to describe things in a clear point of view. In embarking on the task of bringing order to so much information, Yahoo! established foundational principles which are as relevant today as they were when the Web was new: Be simple, clear, direct. Be useful, inclusive, and provide context, not judgment. Employers are not confined to their offices for hours. Yahoo! believes that Work and play join forces to revolutionize the web. Forbes magazine has named Yahoo one of the best companies to work for. Yahoo! believes humor is essential to success and it applauds irreverence and dont take ourselves too seriously. We celebrate achievement. The company fosters an environment of teamwork, offering video games and Foosball, and celebrating achievements and milestones with company parties. Environment Yahoo! has a strong commitment to corporate citizenship, and strives to conduct business in an environmentally responsible manner. Yahoo! is constantly trying to give back to the community in a lot of ways. It ranked number one environment corporate citizen in the Corporate Responsibility Officers 10 Best Media list in 2007 We use ingenuity and technology to reduce our dependence on natural resources such as energy, materials, and water. And each Yahoo! employee pitches in to help reduce waste. This teamwork makes decreasing the overall environmental impact almost as much fun as yodeling. We endeavor to use our global reach to promote the story of sustainability. As a result, we are increasing value to our customers and shareholders, providing an example to other companies, and contributing to a more sustainable  future. Yahoo believes in sharing the success with the communities it lives and works in and strive to do our very best for their employees, shareholders, customers and the  environment. Yahoo is committed to provide the best online user experience to all individual disable or non-disabled alike. In 2008 Yahoo! developed the accessibility lab which designers and engineers studied how disabled children and individuals soon computers and assess the internet Yahoo!s commitment to accessibility is not only socially responsible but also a reflection of our mainstream business practices. Yahoo! fundamentally respects its customers. Identity, Reputation and Image Every organisation has an image that gels with its reputation.By establishing an identity in a market a company is able to distinguish itself from other corporations in the market. Apart from being a leading global internet brand Yahoo!s When is come to identity Yahoo regards itself a corporate citizen it has associated itself with two charities which are Trans Tanz And Hope HIV. Tranz Tanz charity in Tanzania that aims to provide people living with HIV and AIDS with drug treatment and testing facilities in regional health centers without charge. But since many people cannot afford public transport .Trans Tanz provides free bus service transporting patients to and from the health centers and their homes. In 2010 on world aids day it plans to use motorbikes to deliver the drugs and test kits from the Health Centers to the patients home. Hope HIV supports people in sub Saharan Africa who have been affected or orphaned by HIV/AIDS by providing education and emotional support to the victims. HopeHIV aims to make the victims future one of hope rather than despair. By being associated with such charities Yahoo! is able to project its image of itself as a caring and responsible corporate citizen contributing to the fight against one of the deadliest diseases around. This enables to boost Yahoo! brand recognition and royalty to its customers (Yahoo 2010) Culture Every organisation has a culture which generates the image of an organisation to the outside world. It determines how the corporation presents itself. Hofstede Framework for assessing culture helps us in identify Yahoos culture. One of factor for cultural assessment is Power Distance in Yahoo the level between the top level management and employees is low which means ideas and view are encouraged and accepted by the management to surfaces anywhere within the organisation. All employees are treated equally and are encouraged to communicate openly (Yahoo Code of Ethics) Individualism is hugely prevalent in all Yahoo ! companies since it an American establishment. With regard to the Masculine and femininity approach Yahoo! adopts both the styles.Yahoo is committed to being a leading global company and strives to do so with integrity. They execute the task flawless and dislike any shortcuts on the other hand Yahoo adopts a famine approach towards its relationship with its employees .Yahoo employers are regarded as valuable assets and the company takes good care of them by providing them with all of perks (dental medical insurance etc).When it comes to uncertain factors affecting the environment Yahoo is able to adapt to it. Yahoo always tries to anticipate the trends in the market and quickly embrace it. Role Of Human Resource Management Human Resouce Management is regarded as one of the most important functions in an organisation. It acts as a guideline for the organisation to add value to its business. One of the main roles of Human Resource management is to meet the needs of management, HRM is a strategic management tool that links people in an organisation towards the goals and objectives of the business. The Harvard analytical framework explains how the organisation operates in a business environment. Situational factors influence the organisations HR strategy choice. With reference to the work ethics of Yahoo! it conducts itself with integrity that upholds the values of the organisation. The style of management adopted is different from most business organisation they believe that humour is essential for success. The power distance between the top management and employers is low as Yahoo accepts view, ideas and opinions from anywhere within the organisation. By enabling employers to express themselves will lead to more dedication and commitment which in turn helps Yahoo to achieve their targets. Stakeholders interest is an essential aspect in an organisation. Yahoos management consist of high skilled and qualified people. To name a few one of them being Micheal J. Callahan who is the executive vice president of Yahoo! his role is to advise the companys management and board of directors on strategic and corporate matters. When it comes to Yahoos marketing strategy Elisa Steele is in charge Elisa handles the global marketing strategy as well as global communication and regional marketing. Yahoo! considers itself to be an equal opportunity employer and believes in treating it employers with courtesy and respect. With the wide number of employers working in Yahoo! coming from different backgrounds the organisation has zero tolerance towards unlawful workplace harassment and always strives to maintain an environment where all cultural backgrounds are embraced. The HRM policies of Yahoo! provide guidelines on how the organisation accepts its staff to conduct themselves and how communication between various departments should be carried out in a structured manner so that it is complaisant with the laws and regulations which are applicable to all their worldwide operations. David who works as the Chief Human Resouces Officer say I constantly listen to feedback from employees on how the HR processes can improve and do my best to address Yahoos concerns. Employers are encouraged to take up new challenges to learn more about the business and with that exposure they will be able to contribute immensely to the team and Yahoo! as a whole HR Outcomes The HR outcomes revolves around the commitment the employers have towards the organisation, The staff views and ideas are always considered by the management and discourage them to be spectator in the organisation this helps with developing an emotional bond between the employers and the organisation itself. Long Term Consequences It has been 15 years since Yahoo! established itself and during its time period it was been able to emerge as one of the top most successful companies in the world .With all the success it said gained Yahoo! has not forgotten the staff who have been with the organisation from the start and their efforts havent gone unnoticed . Conclusion In light of the above analysis undertaken by me for Yahoo! I feel that the communication strategy adopted by the firm is extremely efficient .Yahoo has adopted an excellent corporate strategy that enable the organisation to communicate corporate messages to all its stakeholders. Yahoo is one of the most successful media and communication enterprises in the internet industry. People from all over the world come to Yahoo to find information that matters to them the most and Yahoo never fails to deliver that to their customer. All the employers in yahoo are recognised and rewarded thereby sustaining their contribution towards the success of the company.With regard to corporate reputation Yahoo has consistently communicated and projected its corporate images towards the stakeholders as being authentic , unique and responsible with its association to a large number of charitable organisation and fight against AIDS.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Unity Among Student Scientists :: Personal Narrative Essays

Unity Among Student Scientists This summer I had the opportunity to attend the APEC Youth Festival in Singapore. On July 23, I arrived in San Francisco at the Marriott to gather with 19 other students from around the United States. The purpose of this gathering was to discuss our future trip to Singapore and to get acquainted with each other before we left. APEC stands for Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation. The purpose of the APEC Youth Festival is to bring unity among other student scientists from all around the world. Students who attended the Festival came from eleven different economies and all brought a unique culture with them. The festival included various activities, such as a cultural exchange, science and technology lectures, a youth science summit, a farewell party, and tons more. Every activity at the science festival was a learning experience. Two days of cultural performances were held, in which each of the economies put on a five-minute performance representing their culture. My favorite of these was the drum performance by the Koreans, but each of the dances by the many Asian cultures were equally good. And the U.S. economy's performance . . . who could forget about that? Did anyone really know what they were doing? Although the U.S. economy's cultural presentation definitely didn't turn out as expected, we gave the audience a good laugh and started a new craze among the other attendees: the shark song. The students' cultures were reflected not only in the two cultural presentations that were held, but also in the way they presented themselves at the conference. By attending the AYSF, I received a little taste of different cultures stretching all the way from Australia to Thailand. The real cultural experience came from the learning about the laws, languages and customs of Singapore. In Singapore, there are many laws that are strictly enforced, such as no chewing gum, no picking flowers, mandatory flushing of toilets and no bird feeding. The most outrageous law is the "no peeing in elevators" law. By the cleanliness of Singapore, one could tell the laws are enforced. In Singapore, just about every student that I had the opportunity to meet spoke two different languages. All spoke English and another Asian language. I had the opportunity to get to know students that spoke Chinese, Malay, Indonesian, Thai, and many more.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

James Baldwin’s Critique of the Social Condition Essay -- James Baldwi

James Baldwin’s Critique of the Social Condition James Baldwin was an African American writer who, through his own personal experiences and life, addressed issues such as race, sexuality, and the American identity. â€Å"Notes of a Native Son† is one of many essays that Baldwin wrote during his lifetime. Within this essay, Baldwin talks about when his father died and the events that revolved around it. His father’s death occurs in the early 1940s, where oppression and racism were still fairly prevalent in many cities across the nation. So amidst the events that revolve around Baldwin’s father’s death, there are many riots and beatings taking place. This essay is simply not a recollection of what Baldwin experienced in the past, but it challenges, critiques, and tries to understand the current social condition of the time. He does this by recalling his personal experiences to draw the reader in and as a result of that, can begin to construct an analysis of the social condition. Baldwin weaves in and out of his personal experiences and private reasons to give the reader both a small and large perspective of what is going on at the time. It’s important for the reader to have a small, personal perspective so they can connect with the emotions Baldwin expresses. At the same time a large general perspective is needed because it shows the reader that Baldwin’s experiences, although unique, is connected to a larger group of people, that in one way or another, his plight is the plight of many. Baldwin effectively implements this method when he says â€Å"All of Harlem, indeed, seemed to be infected by waiting† (73). This sentence is placed in between two moments. Prior to this sentence, Baldw... ...bat the poison with it, â€Å"†¦perhaps poison should be fought with poison† (78). Through his own experiences, Baldwin is able to highlight the social condition that he was surrounded with during that period. Through skillful use of words and transition, Baldwin was able to indirectly question and analyze the social condition without losing the interest of the reader. By moving back and forth from a personal experience to a public condition, Baldwin makes the essay very powerful and very effective in getting his points across. What is also successful about Baldwin’s method is that it captures the readers attention and forces them to look deeper and understand what it is he truly is talking about. Works Cited Baldwin, James. â€Å"Notes of a Native Son.† 1955. James Baldwin: Collected Essays. Ed. Toni Morrison. New York: Library of America, 1998. 63-84.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Much Ado About Nothing Act 1 Essay

1. In Act I, Beatrice and Benedick engage in a witty conversation, which Leonato describes as a playful battle: â€Å"There is a kind of / merry war betwixt Signor / Benedick and her. They never / meet but there’s a skirmish of wit between them† (1.1.58-59). Beatrice insists that she does not like Benedick at all, and insults him relentlessly throughout Act I: â€Å"It is so indeed. He is no less than a stuffed man. But for the / stuffing—well, we are all mortal† (1.1.47-48). Beatrice even goes so far as to compare Benedick to a disease when she finds out he has taken up a new best friend, Claudio: â€Å"O Lord, he will hang upon him like a disease! He is sooner / caught than the pestilence, and the taker runs presently mad† (1.1.81-83). Although Beatrice seemingly detests Benedick, her statement (claiming that Benedick is an infection that’s easy to catch but hard to get rid of) unknowingly foreshadows her future. Despite her claims, I predi ct that Beatrice will fall in love and the man who will profess his love for her will be none other than Benedick! In fact, it seems that the two characters have not truly been fighting at all, but are actually flirting! Benedick even makes a point to state that Beatrice is the only woman he knows who does not adore him: â€Å"Then is courtesy a turncoat. But it is certain I am loved of / all ladies, only you excepted† (1.1.118-119). It can be said that Beatrice and Benedick share mutual feelings for one another even though they conceal their affection through teasing antics. Since Beatrice made it a priority to ask the messenger about Benedick following the battle and considering that she often weaves his name into conversation, it can be concluded that she in fact loves Benedick. Claudio falls in love with Hero immediately after conversing with her: â€Å"That I love her, I feel† (1.1.218). He claims that he loves Hero, however he cannot bring himself to tell her himself; it is decided that Don Pedro will therefore disguise himself as Claudio at the costume party and profess â€Å"his† love for Hero as Claudio: â€Å"I will assume thy part in some disguise / And tell fair Hero I am Claudio, / And in her bosom I’ll unclasp my heart† (1.1.309-311). Claudio’s sheepishness to inform Hero of his feelings prose’s the question, is his love for her true? If Don Pedro hadn’t agreed to assist Claudio, then he probably wouldn’t have ever confessed his love to Hero! Claudio’s love for Hero is impulsive; he falls in love with her without even knowing her. His  haste to love Hero could certainly cause him to rush into a relationship that he’s not necessarily ready for or possibly lead him to uncertainty if the relationship progresses. 2. Don John is the villain of the play and isn’t afraid to admit it: â€Å"In this, though I cannot be said to be a flattering / honest man, it must not be denied but I am a plain / dealing villain† (1.3.28-30). He only recently got back on â€Å"good terms† with his brother, Don Pedro; however, Don John is actually envious of his brother and abhors him because Don Pedro holds a higher position than he: â€Å"I had rather be a canker in a hedge than a / rose in his grace† (1.3.25-26). Don John is a gloomy character and enjoys causing mischief, especially when it will inflict pain upon his brother and his brother’s right-hand-man, Claudio. He dislikes Claudio because he claims that, â€Å"That young start-up hath all / the glory of my overthrow† (1.3.62-63). Despite being melancholy at the start of Act 1 Scene 3, Don John quickly becomes blissful once he discovers he can cause trouble for his brother and Claudio with the woman Don John believes they intend to pursue: â€Å"Will it serve for any model to build mischief / on? What is he for a fool that betroths himself to / unquietness?† (1.3.43-45) and â€Å"Come, come, let us thither. This may prove food to my / displeasure† (1.3.52-53). Don John is a dark character that seeks revenge for the personal pain he has experienced from Don Pedro and Claudio. His anger may also stem from the fact that he is a â€Å"bastard† because he was most likely treated as an outcast all of his life as an illegitimate son.

My Thoughts About Travelling

I want to travel. I want to travel to any places, especially those popular with backpack tour. I’ve been asked, why do you want to travel? Well, I told him that I want to learn new things. Things like what? Things where our own country and home doesn't have. What do you mean by that? Any difference of our country and other countries? Well, of course there are. At least I want to see how the people lives at other countries. I want to see what our differences are, and what our similarities are as well. I can know how does their country work and operate.Travelling is also, a way to relieve stress. So, why not travel? And also, you learn how to live in different conditions, in different ways, in different environment, surrounded by different people. You can learn how to communicate and interact with different people. You'll be amused by how other people respond to problems, what they think about issues. What do they think they should do to improve either themselves or the country? Travelling is also a challenge in a way, as it trains both our mentality and physicality.In my opinion, it can broaden our mind as we can gain experience from our travelling. There's a saying, which I guess everyone had heard of before: Don't be a frog in the well. Because if we do, we are limiting ourselves to many other part and aspects of life that could have gone much better than you can imagine, and that's if you choose to be that way, 'cause there's no certainty if you'll do better, because life, has its ups and downs, how you want it to be, all depends on how you want it to be and how u respond and handle it.True story. Alright, let's go back to travelling. Hmmm†¦ In a way, I do think that travelling brings out our true personality and character. Whether you're travelling alone or with some buddies, in travelling, most of the time, there's no doubt that you'll be letting yourself enjoy every moment of it. And that's where your true personality and character show itself. Hence, to be honest, I just realized that's what I want to achieve of all this time, finding my true self.And I believe that's what life's purpose, finding our own selves. So, I’m kind of out of juice after writing this passage, it's just what I thought about travelling. I just simply can't imagine any disadvantage of it, except that it requires a lot of money, but I still believe there's some way to travel without much costing. So, you got any suggestion for me? I really appreciate it. But, no matter how, I’ll still be travelling, no matter where it is. Thanks for reading.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Business Ethics and Starbucks Essay

1. Starbucks demonstrates a new focus on business ethics and social responsibility by providing health care benefits to their employees, giving to the welfare of the needy, and also by packaging their goods in recycling materials along with any other practices that are beneficial to the company. Starbucks has also demonstrated by improving their dealings with their customers as well as their suppliers. Although this may not bring in additional revenues, the ethical businesses are better recognized and there durability is greater.As long as Starbucks can continue to gain trust in the customers, it will allow them to have a strong bond with them also. 2. I feel that Starbucks has been concerned with social responsibility in its overall corporate strategy because for one reason it is a popular business and it helps the image of the company to care about the community and the environment. Other reasons Starbucks were so concerned was because of the negative impact on the company. Starbucks has always been engaged in responsible business practice since they first started their operation and they have always spent a lot of time defending their image as well. Several small coffee shops were put out of business due to the clustering strategy. Starbucks decided to refocus their strategy after the 2009-2009 recession. Several locations were closed because of the lack of performance due to the economic depression. Because of Starbucks dedication to their employees and suppliers, they were able to earn their loyalty. However Starbucks were also concerned with social responsibility because it affected all parties involved. The company did achieve social responsibility by taking steps to follow certain guidelines and being involved in the community, which is very important to the company since ethical companies tend to do better in the long run. 3. I think Starbucks has both grown rapidly and mainly because it does provide products and an environment that customers want. Most people don’t know anything about the ethical and social responsibility that Starbucks engage in unless they research their websites. I feel that Starbucks success was due to its strong brand image that had been built over the years. Consumers purchased these products from Starbucks because of the good taste. However people were concerned about being ethical and social responsible when running a business, especially when consumers wanted to enjoy what they were consuming without having to worry about how the products are labored. This company also grew large due to several charity campaigns; such as the partnership between Starbucks and the project Red to raise money for different events. By being a large buyer of Fair Trade certified coffee, in spite of the high cost, they continued to grow as the purpose of fair trades that promotes a better working condition and greater incentives for the mmanufacturers. Starbucks does not only offer quality coffee to its customers, they also have a great atmosphere of the coffee shop. They have given back to the community and earned their trust as well as respect from their customers.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Foods Essay

Our ancestors first cultivated plants some ten thousand years ago. They domesticated animals later and then selectively bred both plants and animals to meet various requirements for human food. Humans discovered natural biological processes such as fermentation of fruits and grains to make wine and beer, and yeast for baking bread. Manipulation of foods is not a new story, therefore. The latest agricultural discovery uses genetic engineering technology to modify foods. Farmers and plant breeders have been changing crop plants to improve characteristics such as size, resistance to disease and taste. Plants which grow well, have a higher yield or taste better are selected and bred from. This is still the most widely used technique for developing new varieties of a crop, and is limited by natural barriers which stop different species of organisms from breeding with each other. Genetic modification is very different to these traditional plant breeding techniques. Genetic modification is the insertion of DNA from one organism to another, usually by molecular technologies. Genetically Modified Foods (GMF) are animals or plants that have had genetic modification. This changes the characteristics of the organism, or the way it grows and develops. Jim Maryanski from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, had the following to say in an interview published on the FDA’s website. “There are hundreds of new plant varieties introduced every year in the United States, and all have been genetically modified through traditional plant breeding techniques–such as cross-fertilization of selected plants–to produce desired traits.” (Robin)Current and future GM products include:a)Food that can deliver vaccines – bananas that produce hepatitis B vaccineb)More nutritious foods – rice with increased iron and vitaminsc)Faster growing fish, fruit and nut treesd)Plants producing new plasticsIn so many respects, genetic modification is perfect for today’s society. It would help agriculturalists overcome all headaches associated with growing large crops, and basically tailor the food growth industry to mass consumption by the general population. The famous frost-resistant tomato example is perfect in illustrating this point. With a tomato that  resists frost, the season for growing them would be longer and therefore a farmer would be able to produce more tomatoes in one year than they were able to do in the past. Gene technology not only gives us the potential to select the exact characteristics we want in an organism, but it also enables us to cross species barriers. For example, we can take an insecticide-producing gene from a bacterium and insert it into a plant, making the plant resistant to insect attack. This new-found ability to cross species barriers is what makes gene technology such a powerful tool. Producing enough food for the world’s population without using up all the available land is an enormous challenge. One solution is to develop crops that yield more with fewer inputs; that are more resistant to diseases; that spoil less during storage and transport; that contain more useful nutrients; and that can grow in agricultural land that has been degraded. Gene technology gives us the potential to do this. Genetically modified foods have been available since the 1990s. The principal ingredients of GM foods currently available are derived from genetically modified soybean, maize and canola. The first commercially grown genetically modified food crop was a tomato created by Calgene called the FlavrSavr. Calgene submitted it to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for assessment in 1992; following the FDA’s determination that the FlavrSavr was, in fact, a tomato, did not constitute a health hazard, and did not need to be labeled to indicate it was genetically modified, Calgene released it into the market in 1994, where it met with little public comment. Considered to have a poor flavor, it never sold well and was off the market by 1997. However, it had improved solids contents which made it an attractive new variety for canned tomatoes. Transgenic crops are grown commercially or in field trials in over 40 countries and on 6 continents. In 2000, about 109.2 million acres (442,000 km ²) were planted with transgenic crops, the principal ones being herbicide- and insecticide-resistant soybeans, corn, cotton, and canola. Other crops grown commercially or field-tested are a sweet potato resistant to a US strain of a virus that affects one out of the more than 89 different varieties of sweet potato grown in Africa, rice with increased iron and  vitamins such as golden rice, and a variety of plants able to survive extreme weather. Between 1996 and 2001, the total surface area of land cultivated with GMOs had increased by a factor of 30, from 17,000 km ² (4.2 million acres) to 520,000 km ² (128 million acres). The value for 2002 was 145 million acres (587,000 km ²) and for 2003 was 167 million acres (676,000 km ²). Soybean crop represented 63% of total surface in 2001, maize 19%, cotton 13% and canola 5%. In 2004, the value was about 200 million acres (809,000 km ²) of which 2/3 were in the United States. In particular, Bt corn is widely grown, as are soybeans genetically designed to tolerate glyphosate herbicides. Future applications of GMOs include bananas that produce human vaccines against infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B, fish that mature more quickly, fruit and nut trees that yield years earlier, and plants that produce new plastics with unique properties. The next decade will see exponential progress in GM product development as researchers gain increasing and unprecedented access to genomic resources that are applicable to organisms beyond the scope of individual projects. Biologist Stephen Nottingham explains the risks of GMF:“Experimental trials with transgenic organisms are usually conducted strict regulations to minimize the potential spread of genetic materialÂ…Even given these regulations, however, no field trial can be said to be 100% secure. This was illustrated when flooding struck the American Midwest in July 1993 and an entire field of experimental insect-resistant maize was swept away in Iowa. Â…once released accidentally into the environment, plant material may prove difficult to recover. (Bragi)Unique ecological risks have been associated with virus-resistant transgenic crop plantsÂ…leaving crops more vulnerable to virus attack and risking the spread of virus susceptibility to other plants. Genetically modified foods are unlikely to present direct risks to human health. There are two main areas of concern:a)The possibility of allergic reactions to genetically modified foods, andb)The possibility that bacteria living in the human gut may acquire resistance to antibiotics from marker  genes present in transgenic plants. Proponents claim that a genetically-modified potato is as safe as one modified the old-fashioned way, through generations of selective breeding; biotechnology just gets the job done more quickly. Critics are concerned that mixing together genetic material from different species might produce unexpected allergic reactions in the person who eats or drinks it. For instance, if an individual consumer who is allergic to broccoli eats a banana that just happens to have a little broccoli DNA under the peel, that person might get sick. Some studies on animals indicate that consuming genetically-modified foods may cause allergic responses, compromise immune systems and inhibit organ growth, although no proven cases of widespread reactions have been definitively documented. Opponents of biotech foods want other questions answered, as well. Will re-engineering a plant or animal to serve a specific end, such as improving taste, decrease its nutritional value? Will consuming genetically-modified food products make a person more resistant to antibiotics, which are widely used to treat bacterial infections? Does consuming milk or meat from livestock that has been injected with growth hormones (a form of biotechnology that is different from genetic modification) subject consumers to early puberty, cancer, and other ailments?Since neither side has been able to provide definitive answers, the jury is still out on food safety; after all, genetic technology itself is barely decades old. So one can condense the issue into a single question: should we move forward with new technologies that might help provide higher crop yields, new and interesting types of food products, and more profits for the companies that own the technology; or play it safe and wait until we better understand the health and environmental consequences of manipulating life forms that took generations to develop?Multinational Corporations benefit because GMF can be very profitable. GMF have taken hold quickly because multinational corporations with the resources to make large financial investments in research and development can profit directly. Multinational companies can spread out the benefit and profit to many branches of their businesses. Many such corporations combine the following: an agrochemical company, a seed  company, a pharmaceutical company, a food processing company and sometimes businesses involved with veterinary products. Developments in one part of the corporation can be used t o sell products in another branch. Farmers benefit in the short term because they can grow and sell more crops with fewer problems due to weeds, pests, fungi or frost. The genetically modified seed is designed to resist these traditional enemies. Food processing companies benefit from a ready supply of raw food ingredients designed for specific processing needs. Genetically modified tomatoes and potatoes, for instance, have higher solid contents and yield more sauces and French fries. These foods take longer to ripen and rot. Thus less food is spoiled and more gets processed. Supermarkets benefit for the same reasons. The fresh produce lasts longer on the shelves and is more profitable. Consumers, to date, haven’t benefited. GMF have been developed for the convenience of the producer and processor. Yet they cost more to produce and the costs get passed along to the consumer. Eventually there will be some kind of designer novelty foods for shoppers to try. Nottingham adds that there are many other concerns including ethical questions involving animal welfare, whether DNA is actual life, and intellectual property rights and genetic resources from the Third World. (Bragi)The world’s poorest nations account for around 95.7% of the world’s genetic resources. Traditional farming practices involve farmers retaining seeds, from the harvest of one year’s crop, for planting in the following year. This practice saves money on buying seed and in itself represents a continuous selection for yield and resistance to pests and diseases. However, with genetically modified seed, royalties are payable to the companies holding the patent for the seed. Under world trade agreement rulings, farmers have to make substantial royalty payments to multinational companies if they keep seed for replanting, even if the crop happens to be native to their particular country. Genetic engineering is a valuable new technology that can develop more plentiful and nutritious foods, with great potential benefits for humanity and the environment, and this new scientific discovery needs to be implemented as quickly as possible for humanitarian reasons. As with every new scientific technology, harmful side effects of genetic engineering are inevitable and great care should be taken in its implementation, including carefully controlled long-term tests on human health and environmental impacts. All genetically engineered foods have been thoroughly tested and demonstrated to be safe before they are released into the marketplace. However, this testing is typically conducted only on rats and other animals, by the companies involved. Very little of this research has been reviewed by independent scientists and then published in scientific journals. Genetically engineered foods are usually â€Å"substantially equivalent† to other foods, with no increased risk to human health, and no need for the lengthy and expensive human testing demanded of, for example, new food additives. However, the unpredictable disruptions in normal DNA functioning caused by genetic engineering can produce unanticipated and unknown side effects for human health, including unknown and unpredictable toxins and allergens, and these possibilities can only be definitively assessed through human testing. Genetic engineering is a scientific and technological process, and its evaluation and governmental regulation should be based on purely scientific and objective criteria. To have a purely scientific evaluation of genetically engineered foods, we need more science, especially human studies and environmental studies. Moreover, purely scientific assessment of genetic engineering ignores the fact that, for many people, food has cultural, ethical and religious dimensions that must also be considered. Alan McHughen, author of Pandora’s Picnic Basket: The Potential and Hazards of Genetically Modified Foods, in the introduction he states:†Make no mistake: I am in favor of an orderly and appropriately regulated introduction of some GMOs into the environment and marketplace, and I  adamantly oppose others. There are good reasons to ban certain products of genetic technology, and good reasons to allow, with management, certain others; some may require no extraordinary regulation at all. If your opinion differs from mine after reading this book, I hope you will be able to justify, if only to yourself, why we disagree. My philosophy is to be skeptical, be critical, even cynical of claims by business interests, government agencies, and activist groups. But also keep an open mind and then decide for yourself.† (Internet 7)ThereÂ’s no doubt that the GM food supply should be closely monitored and regulated, but that doesnÂ’t mean it should all be banned. I believe that genetic engineering of plants, animals, and humans has much to offer as long as we are aware of potential benefits and side effects. And thatÂ’s true even for more traditional methods of farming, animal husbandry, and medicine. Work Sited: 1.Cummings, Michael R., and Williams S. Klug. Concepts of Genetics. New Delhi: Pearson Education, 2004. 2.Dubey, R.C. A Textbook of Biotechnology. New Delhi: S. Chand, 20063.Kumar, H.D. Modern Concepts of Biotechnology. New Delhi: Vikash Publishing House, 20034.Purohit, S. Agricultural Biotechnology. India: Agrobios, 20055.Purohit, S. Biotechnology: Fundamental and Applications. India: Agrobios, 2004Internet Reference:1.Bragi, David. “Food Savior Or Frankenfood? The Debate Over Genetically Modified Foods”., Adria. “What Are We Eating?”, Norman. Online Encyclopedia. Online Encyclopedia.“Genetic Engineering: The Controversy”.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Apple vs Samsung Patent Battle a Threat to Innovation

APPLE VS SAMSUNG PATENT BATTLE A THREAT TO INNOVATION Rather than innovate and develop its own technology and a unique Samsung style for its Smartphone product and computer tablets, Samsung choose to copy Apple's technology user interface and innovation style in these infringing products. Apple had accused Samsung of copying its intellectual property, including its very broad design patents for rectangular â€Å"electronic devices. And Apple wants to use those patents to stop its competitor from selling items like the new (rectangular) Galaxy tablet and (rectangular) Android-based Smartphone's.On Aug. 24, a San Jose jury awarded Apple Inc. a whopping $1. 05 billion in damages. Apple-Samsung jury: Verdict †¢The nine-person jury in the trial between the two tech-giants faces a wildly complex form to determine the winner. †¢SAN JOSE, Calif. — There is little doubt that the trial between Apple and Samsung taking place here is complex, and perhaps nowhere is that clearer than in the form that jurors will have to fill out on their way to reaching a verdict later this week. The document, which both sides have yet to agree on, is still in its draft stage. In Samsung's case, it's 33 questions long, and stretched across 17 pages. For Apple, it's 23 questions spread over nine pages. †¢Both forms ask jurors to check off which products infringe on specific patent claims, an exercise that includes going through charts that sometimes span several pages. On Apple's form there are some 225 checkboxes regarding patent infringement. The other parts of the verdict form ask slightly more nebulous questions, like whether claims within the patents from both sides are valid, and the all-important dollar amount that one side or the other is owed as a result of any infringements. †¢On the bright side, certain patent features are greyed out since not all products carry the identical feature set. That could be a welcome sight for the nine-person jury, who must reach a unanimous decision. Result †¢The jury award shows the growing importance of design for electronic makers. California jury awarded Apple $1. 05 billion in a patent dispute with Samsung. †¢The share price of Samsung electronics dropped nearly 7. 5 %in trading THREAT TO INNOVATION †¢Industry has used copyright as a means of preventing innovation. Copyright was a deliberate weapon to stop innovation, and thus maintain the status quo. The patent system is being used similarly †¢Whether the patent system prevents people like them from entering the market with their inventions is unknown. They are more than likely to continue working because they are optimists chasing a dream of seeing their invention realised; of being rich, or just creating something that serves a purpose. †¢The barriers to them achieving their goals for themselves and how they are shared to all must be removed. That means renovating the current system to enhance the opportunities for inn ovation. †¢It will require legislators with the will to change the rules and protocols in the face of opposition from vested interests. It is possible, but the motive may not originate from a wish to assist the corporation – like patents which were conceived to underwrite investments in innovation – but to serve the wider interests of society †¢Ã¢â‚¬ It will lead to fewer choices, less innovation, and potentially higher prices,† Samsung said in a written statement. †¢ â€Å"It is unfortunate that patent law can be manipulated to give one company a monopoly over rectangles with rounded corners, or technology that is being improved every day by Samsung and other companies. †¢Apple, meanwhile, praised the court for â€Å"sending a loud and clear message that stealing isn't right. † This highlights a central issue in today's innovation-based economy. †¢Intellectual property law is based on the notion that copying is bad for creativit y. It is usually cheaper to copy something than create something wholly new. If innovators are not protected against imitation, they will not invest in more innovation. †¢The real world, however, tells a different story. Imitation is at the centre of an enormous amount of innovation.Rules against copying are sometimes necessary. But in many cases, they serve to slow down innovation. Copying, in short, is often central to creativity. †¢How can copying be beneficial? Because it can enable as well as inhibit innovation. When we think of innovation, we usually picture a lonely genius toiling away until he or she finally has an â€Å"aha! † moment. †¢In fact, innovation is often an incremental, collective and competitive process. And the ability to build on existing creative work — to tweak and refine it — is critical to the creation of new and better things. Copying can also drive the process of invention, as competitors strive to stay ahead. AFFECTS ON CONSUMER †¢Consumers are the real loser in this verdict. †¢Consumers do not get Samsung accused products in U. S market. †¢Consumer confusion between products and functions. †¢Now consumer may not get better existing products for lower prices. BUSINESS LESSONS FROM APPLE VS SAMSUNG †¢INSPIRATION NOT IMITATION. †¢DELIGHT LEADS TO DESIGN AND NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND. †¢DON'T MIMIC BUSINESS DNA. †¢WE ALL DO WRONG STUFF BUT IF YOU GET NOTICED AND WARNED BE SMART.